Watch our MCP scholars shine!
The MCP Way
Our CEO’s unwavering belief in the success of our scholars is one of the many things that keeps us pressing towards excellence.
Education & success are their birthright
Take a stand for brighter futures. Take a stand for closing the opportunity gap. Take a stand for Milwaukee College Prep!
College & Beyond
We resolutely believe that knowledge plus character pave the road to college and beyond.
Building a better tomorrow
MCP scholars, alumni and staff are determined to build a better tomorrow for themselves, their families, and their communities.
MCP Declaration of Excellence.
One school, one mission. Each day, our scholars and staff—in every MCP classroom and on every campus—begin the day by reciting our Declaration of Excellence (or D.O.E.). The MCP D.O.E. is our daily reminder that we all working to a shared goal on our journeys to college and beyond.