Milwaukee College Prep Exceeds DPI Expectations
4-Star Schools
We are pleased to share excellent news that Milwaukee College Prep "Exceeds Expectations," according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction* (DPI). In November 2024, the DPI released school report cards, and across our network of four K-8 schools, MCP received an outstanding rating of 4 stars on all four campuses!
The overall report card scores across all campuses remained the same or increased in the 2023-24 school year when compared to 2022-23.
Notable callouts include:
Strong Growth: Our scholars achieved an average growth score of 86.3, outpacing the state average of 66.5 for comparable schools. This is a testament to the impact you have on student progress.
Strong Attendance: Attendance rates across MCP exceeded 90%, compared to 87.2% statewide for similar schools. Our scholars and families are showing up because they trust MCP to deliver.
Equity Wins: Scholars from all target groups outperformed peers in similar schools across the state, demonstrating the success of your efforts to ensure every child thrives.
The district and school report cards provided by DPI are intended to create a more standardized methodology for our parents and community members to determine the effectiveness of their local districts and schools. The report cards also include outcomes for each school in four priority areas: Student Achievement, Student Growth, Closing Gaps, and Post-Secondary Readiness.
* Wisconsin DPI produces report cards for every publicly funded school and district in Wisconsin. These report cards include data on multiple indicators across four Priority Areas: Achievement, Growth, Target Group Outcomes, and On-track to Graduation.
In October 2024, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released statewide Forward Exam results for the 2023-24 school year for students in grades 3-8. According to analysis by City Forward Collective, >80% of Milwaukee students fail to meet expectations. Further, gaps in performance between Milwaukee and the state are growing, with vulnerable and historically under-served student groups lagging further behind.
MCP scholars perform above their peers at other Milwaukee charter and choice schools, and significantly above traditional public schools.